Friday, March 4, 2011


Meteorology . a precipitation in the form of ice crystals, mainly of intricately branched, hexagonal form and often agglomerated into snowflakes, formed directly from the freezing of the water vapor in the air.
 This is what we woke up to on Friday morning, the kids went bananas. 
Yelling "snow!" at the top of their lungs.
Miner said something to the effect of........ "nor wokit a da pa da snowman"
                                                    ..........."Lenor look at that its a snowman"

Roen couldn't quite figure out why it was sticking to his hands and making them cold. But he got very good at identifying this beautiful white substance.            "sssssnnnnnnnnoooooooww"

Denali's cute snow angel.
 Miner could not join us in the snow for long because he demands to wear his crocs and they have holes and the snow gets in and he does not like it...but also won't wear anything else.     awesome
It only stuck around for a couple hours then slowly melted away. 
If you are going to live where it snows, this is the perfect kind.

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